5月12日 (土) にニューメキシコ大学名誉教授のジョン・コンドン先生による
メール:ujitani@nufs.ac.jp (@を半角にして下さい。) 電話:0561(74)1111 (大学代表)
Title:“It Goes Without Saying”
Presenter: Dr. John Condon
Date: May 12, 2018 14:30-17:00
Place: Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, Room 738
Our workshop on May 12, “It Goes Without Saying,” takes a fresh look at the still radical insights of Edward T. Hall, the anthropologist who introduced the term “intercultural communication” and who inadvertently launched our field. Hall’s work takes on new significance in light of neuroscience research. Hall was Jack’s friend, colleague and neighbor for nearly 40 years. Jack’s book on our workshop theme will be published later this year.
John (Jack) Condon is regarded as one of the founders of the field of Intercultural Communication, writing one of the first doctoral dissertations when that was not yet a recognized area of study, and later he was one of the founding faculty of what became today’s Summer Institute of Intercultural Communication (in Portland, Oregon). He also was in the group that would later found SIETAR, and a recipient of awards for his teaching and writing, including the first dedicated college textbook in our field. Of his nearly 20 books, With Respect for Japan is perhaps his best known in Japan. In the 1970s as a professor at ICU Dr. Condon influenced many of Japan’s future interculturalists. At that time the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan asked him to develop their first intercultural communication workshops. Beginning his college years in Mexico City, Jack eventually would live and work abroad for twenty years, in Latin America, East Africa, and here in Japan. Currently Emeritus Professor of Communication at the University of New Mexico, he continues to teach at SIIC and also offers workshops and field seminars in northern New Mexico where he lives. Next January he will co-facilitate a new traveling seminar in “Mayan Country” (in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico), with Claudia Chapa Cortés, which will span two thousand years, from the earliest settlements to contemporary intercultural contacts via varieties of tourism and international gentrification.
Organized by: SIETAR Chubu and Japan Society for Multicultural Relations
Contact: ujitani<AT>nufs.ac.jp
話題提供者:ヤコブ・E・マルシャレンコ (Jakub E. Marszalenko)(名古屋外国語大学国際交流部)
メール:ujitani@nufs.ac.jp (@を半角にして下さい。) 電話:0561(74)1111 (大学代表)