多文化関係学会 関東地区研究会
日時:2015年5月23日(土)May 23 (Sat), 2015
会場:青山学院大学 (青山キャンパス)青山学院大学15号館(別名ガウチャーホール)5階13会議室
(Aoyama Gakuin University Aoyama campus, Bldg.15, Meeting room #13)
タイトル:「会話分析から異文化間コミュニケーションを考える」(Conversation Analysis and its insights on Intercultural Communication)
話題提供者:武田 礼子(TAKEDA, Reiko)
参加費:無料 (Program Fee: Free) 茶話会参加のみ500円の茶菓代をご協力下さ
い (Informal Tea Party: 500 yen)。
申込方法: 下記のURLの参加申し込みフォームに必要事項を入力し、、5月18日までに、お申込みください。
研究会参加申し込みフォーム https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/HGCKPF
その他問い合わせは、担当者 岡部大祐
(Daisuke Okabe) daisuke.okabe[AT]zoho.com までご連絡ください。→[AT]を@に変換してください。
武田 礼子 (TAKEDA, Reiko)
現在、国際基督教大学大学院 博士後期課程在籍中(アーツサイエンス研究科言語教育専攻)。会話分析や教室談話分析を通して、言語教育を研究。
Reiko Takeda is currently teaching English at Aoyama Gakuin University. Through her professional experience as a former Spanish bilingual classroom teacher in California, USA, as well as in-house and free-lance interpreting, Reiko became interested in people, what they say and how they interact.
Currently, Reiko is a doctoral student at International Christian University, where she studies conversation and classroom discourse and its applications to language education.
「会話分析から異文化間コミュニケーションを考える」(Conversation Analysis and its insights on Intercultural Communication)
“I’ve heard of Conversation Analysis, but I wonder what it’s about?”
“I’ve seen the CA symbols, but putting them in a transcription looks like so much work.”
These are some of the issues, which have been heard about Conversation Analysis (CA). This session will explain the basics of CA and how it has been used in English language education. In the workshop, participants will experiment with CA, using data from a Japanese television talk show. By inserting CA symbols, participants will gain an understanding of conversational features, which emerge in the interaction.